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Public Statements

The Freedom of Information Act, 1999 was created to extend the right of members of the public to access to information in the possession of public authorities by –

(a) making available to the public information about the operations of public authorities and, in particular, ensuring that the authorisations, policies, rules and practices affecting members of the public in their dealings with public authorities are readily available to persons affected by those authorisations policies, rules and practices; and

(b) creating a general right of access to information in documentary form in the possession of public authorities limited only by exceptions and exemptions necessary for the protection of essential public interests and the private and business affairs of persons in respect of whom information is collected and held by public authorities.

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Image File Name Abstract Date
Public Statement 2016 (PS).pdf

In accordance with Sections 7, 8 and 9 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1999 the Personnel Department is required to publish the following statements which list the documents and informati


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Circular - EAP FAQs.pdf

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) recognizes that there are times when perosnal problems may affect an employee's well-being and job performance.

Circular No 2 of 2008.pdf

Inclusion of officers on leave of absence without pay in the UNIMED Group Health Plan for monthly paid officers.

Comptroller of Accounts Circular No. 3 dated January 29, 2018 - Revisions of the UNIMED Group Health Plan for Monthly-paid officers.pdf

Revision to UNIMED Group Health Plan for Monthly Paid Officers in the Civil Service, Statutory subject to the Statutory Authorities Act, Chapter 24:01, Tobago House of Assembly, Members of the Teac

Personnel Department Circular No. 7 of 2017 dated December 24, 2017 - Variation of the arrangement relating.pdf

Variation of the arrangements relating to the UNIMED Group Health Plans (Daily-rated and Monthly paid)

Personnel Department Circular No. 6 of 2017 dated December 13, 2017- Revision to the UNIMED Group Health Plan.pdf

Revision to the UNIMED Group Health Plan for monthly paid officers in the Civil Service, Tobago House of Assembly and Statutory Authorities Act, Chapter 24:01 members of the Teaching Service and ho


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101st Report of the SRC.pdf

One Hundred and First Report of the Salaries Review Commission - Determination of Salaries and other terms and conditions of service for the offices of Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor of Insolvenc

100th Report of the SRC.pdf

One Hundredth Report of the Salaries Review Commission - Review of Salary and other Conditions of Service to be applicable to the office of Lay-Assessor, Equal Opportunity Tribunal - Octobe

99th Report of the SRC.pdf

Determination of Salary and other Terms and Conditions of Service of the offices of Director of Electronic Monitoring Unit

98th Report of the SRC.pdf


97th Report of the SRC.pdf

Determination of the salary and other conditions of service of the offfices of Administrator, Tobago House of Assembly and Clerk, Tobago House of Assembly

Legal Documents

Media Releases

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Media Release - CPO Supports 500 Public Officers in P&L Training (MR).pdf

December 15, 2023: Public Officers from several Ministries/Departments and the Tobago House of Assembly benefitted from an intensive training workshop that sought to equip Public Officers with critical information in the processing of increments and pension and leave records, to enable the timely payment of pensions and gratuities to retired Public Officers and Contracted employees

Media Release - CPO - PROJECT ON TRACK (MR).pdf

The Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial, wishes to advise that the Civil Service Job Evaluation Exercise, which commenced on the 1st of July, 2020, is well on track.

Media Release - All Trinidad General Workers Trade Union Accepts CPO's 4% Offer (MR).pdf

December 14, 2023: On December 14 2023, the All Trinidad General Workers’ Trade Union (ATGWTU) accepted the Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial’s 4% salary offer and signed off on the Report on behalf of the employees at the Mora Valley Farm for the periods 2014 to 2016 and 2017 to 2019 at the Office of Chief Personnel Officer.

Media Release - CPO Commences Wage Negotiations (MR).pdf

April 1st 2022, Port of Spain: Acting on instructions given by the Minister of Finance, the Honourable Colm Imbert, the Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial wishes to advise that wage negotiations with all Public Service Associations/Unions have commenced on March 28th, 2022 at the Personnel Department’s Office, No. 3 Alexandra Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain

Fire Service Signs MOA to Standardise Vacation Leave (MR).pdf

November 1 - The Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial, and the Fire Service 2md Division Association continues to work together to establish conditional agreements surrounding the standardizing of Vacation Leave for Officers in the Fire Service

Classification and Compensation Plans

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Fire Service First Div- 2011 to 2013 (CCP).pdf

The Parties agree, following consultation and negotiation, that the under-mentioned terms and conditions of employment shall apply, with effect from the dates specified, to full-time monthly­ paid

Final Salary Plan PRISONS 1st Div (CCP).pdf

Applicable to Officers in the First Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service For the Period January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010

Final Salary Plan Fire 1st Div 2-1-2 0810 for publishing (CCP).pdf

Applicable to offices in the First Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service For the Period January 1, 2008 to December 21, 2010

Civil Service January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2013 (CCP).pdf

The Parties agree, following consultation and negotiation, that the undermentioned terms and conditions of employment shall apply, with effect from the dates specified, to full time monthly paid of

Civil Service Act 2008-2010 (CCP).pdf

The Parties agree, following consultation and negotiat10n, that the undermentioned terms and conditions of employment shall apply, with effect from the dates specified, to full time monthly paid of

Labour Agreements
