PD Engages Stakeholders with PMAS Training
The Personnel Department’s Human Resource Management Compliance and Training Division is making impressive strides in enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) training sessions across various Ministries. Acknowledging the pivotal role of effective performance management in achieving organisational goals, the Division has proactively increased the number of outreach sessions to meet the needs of Ministries effective October, 2024. This initiative is to ensure Ministries are fully equip to address issues facing PMAS at their Ministries and foster a culture of performance excellence.
Undoubtedly, this is a strategic response to the diverse needs of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) within the Public Service. Each MDA operates within its unique context, facing distinct challenges and opportunities. The training also aims to address the specific issues facing HR Units ensuring that participants can apply performance management principles in ways that are not only relevant but also impactful within their respective workplaces. This customisation enhances the training's relevance and increases the likelihood that participants will effectively implement what they learn.
Moreover, the Division is embracing a multifaceted approach to training delivery. To cater to varied learning preferences, they are offering a mix of in-person workshops, online modules, and hybrid options. This flexibility ensures that all personnel can engage with the training materials in a manner that best suits their needs. As Ministries become better equipped to Manage Performance, the potential for improved service delivery and heightened public trust in government processes becomes increasingly evident.
Facilitating these dynamic training sessions are Human Resource Advisers Mrs. Mickelle George-Modeste and Ms. McKeba Hitlal-Johnson. For the remainder of October, they will deliver targeted training to the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and the Ministry of Labour, with plans to extend their outreach to additional Ministries in November and December 2024.