On July 28th 2023, the Personnel Department launched the Review of the Assessment Phase of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for the Civil Service at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, which saw Senator the Honourable, Allyson West and a cross-section of Senior Public Servants, Human Resource Practitioners and specially invited guests in attendance.
In January 2023 Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial announced that there would be a review of the EAP Programme for the Civil Service.
The launch, which was organised by the Personnel Department’s Human Resource Management Services (HRMS) sought to engage integral stakeholders and provide the necessary solutions for managing systems that address mental health and well-being throughout the Civil Service.
Acting Chief Personnel Officer, Ms. Wendy Barton in her welcome message expressed her understanding of her role as a senior manager in providing the best environment and systems that are geared toward the betterment of all employees in her care while ensuring all eligible government employees benefit from the support that is provided. The EAP is a critical human resource intervention strategy geared toward improving overall well-being and productivity in the workplace.
Senator the Honourable Allyson West, Minister of Public Administration in delivering the feature address commended the efforts of all stakeholders involved and their commitment to the successful implementation of the programme. She said the past five years have been challenging with an economic downturn, a global pandemic, and many other issues that can potentially damage our population the Government has been working tirelessly to reverse. She added that Public Officers have been asked to dig deep and give more of themselves, in support of the recovery and growth efforts being undertaken by Ministries and Departments.
The EAP is one of the many strategies geared towards providing effective and efficient service delivery through strong and modern public institutions. This can only be achieved with staff that are healthy, resilient and motivated.
Although the Cabinet approved the EAP in 2006, an in-depth analysis concluded that the Programme is underutilised and therefore in need of restructuring. Consequently, the Personnel Department engaged the services of PEAPSL Consultancy Limited to conduct research on the underutilisation of the programme and present the findings, which were discussed in the Question-and-Answer (Q&A) segment at the event.
One of the major issues, the consultants highlighted was the direct correlation between mental health and the role it plays in the applicants’ personal development and job performance Mr. Bharath explained how a fully functional EAP can significantly improve lives.
Director, Industrial and Labour Relations (ILR) Mrs. Ruth Gibbs-George and serving in the capacity as Team Lead for the EAP Review Project delivered the closing remarks.
The EAP continues to provide free and necessary aid to all Public Officers both financially and socially while maintaining a high level of confidentiality.
Chief Personnel Officer (Ag.) Ms. Wendy Barton delivers the Welcome Remarks at the launch of the Review of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) at the Hyatt Regency on Friday 28th July, 2023.

A cross-section of the audience listens attentively to presenters at the Launch of the Review of EAP for the Civil Service.

Senator the Honourable Allyson West receives a token of appreciation from acting Chief Personnel Officer Wendy Barton at end of programme on July 28th, 2023.