CPO Meets with Prison Service on a New Job Evaluation Exercise
On February 11th 2022 the Chief Personnel Officer, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial met with senior officials of the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service to commence discussions on a new Job Evaluation Exercise for the Prison Service. This meeting was subsequent to the last review of the Prison service Classification and Compensation system which was implemented in the early 2000s.
Emanating from the meeting, Commander Dr. Daryl Dindial noted that “The Personnel Department has continued to learn valuable lessons in the leadership, management and administration of Job Evaluation Exercises and it is well postured to commence this exercise and complete it within the projected budget and timelines. He added “the 1st and 2nd Division Associations of the Prisons Service possesses a cadre of passionate and committed individuals on its Executive who will be directly engaged and consulted throughout this exercise”. The CPO further stated, “work on the RFP is expected to be completed by the end of February 2022 and the Exercise is expected to begin by August 2022”.
The CPO recognises the impact the completion of the new Job Evaluation Exercise can have on the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service’s Human Resources Eco-System and its significance and support to the overall institutional strengthening of the Prison Service. Some of the intended possibilities include a revised Compensation and Classification structure for the Prison Service as well as a competency framework that will strengthen performance management as well as recruitment and selection procedures. This will ultimately enable the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service to strategically align its human resources planning activities in support of career development for all Prison Officers.
Present at the meeting, front row L-R: Deputy CPO (Ag.), Vera Deonanan-Balkaran, Advisor, Prison Officer’s Association Burton Hill, CPO, Cmdr. Dr. Daryl Dindial, Supt. TTPrS Ferdinand Bibby, Deputy CPO Hazel Villafana, back left General Secretary, Prison Officer’s Association Lester Walcott, President, 1st Div. Association Felix Alexis, TTPrs Research Officer, Maywalal Ramdass and Assistant Commissioner of Prisons (Ag), Elvin Scanterbury.